Luz Muse Blog

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Luz Muse, Pineal and DMT Blog

    This blog is a forum for current, as well as new, practitioners of P2P (Pineal to Peniel), Toroidal Prayer, explorers of Luz Cave consciousness and matters related to the neurotransmitter known as DMT. We are men and women, Jews and Noahides, scholars, professionals and laypersons from around the world. Our common bond is that we have been initiated through one form or another, into the remarkable power that lies latent both within Jerusalem’s geographical Foundation Stone and within our personal Foundation Stone – the enigmatic pineal gland.

     Each one of us has begun to glimpse the Light of Luz through different mediums –essays, classes, slide shows, personal instruction, Luz cruises, experimentation, practice and prayer. We have incorporated the secret of the Torah Torus into our davening, our daily concentration and, for some, even in our relationships with others. Our goals are the same – becoming conscious of our own Torah based consciousness while simultaneously becoming active participants in the tikun of Adam and all humanity. Our destination is the same – we are all making the pilgrimage to the New Jerusalem of the higher-dimensional Messianic Era and beyond. Our ominous concern is also the same – the very existential survival of Israel and the Jewish Nation. Peniel and Toroidal prayer practitioners know we are in a real war and that we are on the front lines of our personal, as well as collective and global lives.

     Each P2P practitioner is, in effect, a franchise that is autonomous unto itself. Yes, I have supplied the inner technology through my own initiation into the living legacy of our Talmudic Sage-Mystics and from what I have studied in depth for decades together with what I have re-discovered using the models from the New Sciences. Each one of you, however, is integrating this esoteric knowledge and messianic methodology through your own unique prism of personality, background and soul-root. This is exactly as it should be. Each one of us is a unique “cell” in the body of Adam re-discovering the secret of where we are coming from and the way back through the Luz cave into the New Jerusalem.

     It is apparent that it is now also the time for our individual “cells” to begin to form a subtle network of “tissue” in this growing global body. It requires nothing more than being conscious that others, like ourselves, are active practitioners, whether it be hourly, daily, or even only weekly. This blog, in particular, is interactive and your personal experiences and observations are welcome. Here, you can also share your direct experiences and interact with fellow pilgrims on the journey to higher messianic states of consciousness.

     May we merit to soon see the Davidic Messianic Era and the light of the New Jerusalem shine throughout all levels of reality. “On that day Y-H-V-H will be one and His Name will be one. Amen.

Copyright © Joel David Bakst 2014

Your comments, questions and critiques are encouraged. Every comment is privately reviewed by Joel. When your comment is posted your email address is never displayed and, if you prefer, you can use any screen name you wish.


  1. I’m working with the term #pangean_central_vortex .

    The tectonic plates of the Earth were once united into a single central lad massed referred to in the scientific literature as “Pangea.”

    When simultaneously looking at the maps and at Torah it can reasonably be surmised that Israel was at or very near the center of that mass. Since Israel is known as the apple of G-d’s eye and Her spiritual center is the foundation stone and the center of Jacob’s ladder / vortex the term “Pangean Central Vortex” is not an unreasonable description.

    If not at the exact physical center of The historical Pangean land mass, it is very near. Israel and the foundation stone would certainly have been and still remains the largest and most significant vortex in what is historically the central Pangean geographical region.

    • Very nice observation. The other alternative is, as I have explained, that Israel as the center is referring to the da’at at the middle of the back of the head. It is at the “center” between the two hemispheres of the brain as well as the “center” connecting the brain to the rest of the body.

  2. What a relief to wake up in Israel today and be no-thing

  3. Rabbi Bakst asked me to post something regarding his recent lesson regarding “No-Thingness.” Here’s what I wrote him in a recent email about my experiences.

    When I first tried the “No-Thingness” meditation a few weeks ago it was pretty painful. My ego kept fighting it and I got downright angry and tense. Then I realized if I just relaxed, let go and feed it into my torrus and pineal gland it did become quite cleansing. It reminded me of when I first started to spar in my martial arts class. The more my ego was involved the tenser I got and the more I got hit and then angry. Vicious circle. But when I relaxed, let go of the outcome and knew I was going to get hit anyway the easier it got. Kind of like Neo and Morpheus at first, then at the end with Mr. Smith.

  4. I am familiar with Graham Hancock’s DMT experiences in altered states of consciousness and his interest in the purpose of junk DNA “dark matter”. I, too, have been fascinated by these subjects since early adulthood.

    watch Graham Hancock here:

    In my research concerning consciousness, I have found that people all over the world from all walks of life are “awakening” to a higher level of consciousness.

    Science has discovered that water has memory; Plants can be witnesses to murder; and vortexes of dark matter are found in junk DNA.

    Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds in all scientific arenas. The U.S. military is modifying our weather through geo-engineering the atmosphere with nano particulates, stimulated by HAARP’s antenna ionospheric heaters. This Starwars military project has also weaponized space.

    I truly believe that physical existence itself is hurdling towards an epic event. Whether it will be the New World Order agenda or the appearance of Moshiachs, I do not know. But I do know that whatever happens,
    Y-H-V-H has a master plan that will trump any evil agenda of man.

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